Health Benefits

Health Benefits

In accordance with Taiwanese law, employees of Mirle are all covered by labor insurance as well as monthly labor and health insurance and pension withholdings. Overseas business trips are covered by travel insurance. Retirement conditions, pension payment standards, and application requirements are all stipulated. We provide annual medical check-ups at our factories, onsite medical care, and maternal health protection for our pregnant colleagues.
Stock Ownership Trust

Stock Ownership Trust

We have established an employee stock ownership trust to help our employees achieve long-term savings and accumulate wealth. By doing so, we ensure the stability of our employees’ future, encourage a sense of engagement with the company, and promote unity among colleagues.
Welcoming Workspace

Welcoming Workspace

At Mirle, we recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. We are equipped with lactation rooms, gyms, aerobics classrooms, and employee parking lots. We also offer a selection of clubs, lectures, and company field trips for employees to choose from. Colleagues are encouraged to spend their spare time pursuing healthy activities to relieve stress and broaden their horizons. A library of reading materials is also available for those who wish to further their learning and knowledge. Additionally, we treat our employees to department gatherings and family days that help build a sense of comradeship.


Mirle regularly gives out holiday vouchers and gifts, birthday cash gifts, and travel subsidies. Congratulatory allowances are issued to newlyweds and new parents, while bereavement and emergency support payments are available for those in need. Family members of employees are eligible for group accident and health insurance. Additionally, we provide a selection of designated stores for the betterment of our employees’ quality of life.

The above HR system, salary, and welfare matters are in accordance with the company's policy and work rules.
In case of modification, the new regulations shall prevail.

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