Material Control System (MCS)

With over 30 years of expertise in intelligent manufacturing integration in industries such as FPD and semiconductors, Mirle Group excels in simulation planning, project management, problem-solving, and after-sales service. This comprehensive capability enables Mirle Group to provide customers with efficient and reliable MCS(Material Control System).
The Material Control System (MCS) plays a crucial role in the material handling of intelligent factories. The Manufacturing Execution System (MES) issues transport commands to the MCS, which monitors the status of all equipment in the factory. The MCS selects the optimal route for material delivery, reducing transfer times and enhancing the efficiency and utilization of factory equipment.
Features of MCS:
Mirle's MCS is a high-performance, mature, and stable system featuring an easy-to-use human-machine interface. The system allows users to query and adjust equipment status, historical data, vehicle usage status, and inventory management details. It provides an overview of the entire factory's logistics system.
Mirle MCS seamlessly integrates with various material handling equipment through IB SEM and STK SEM, ensuring efficient coordination of material handling operations.
When processing thousands of data entries, Mirle MCS can prioritize tasks according to customer needs and industry characteristics.
The core concept of MCS inventory management includes the implementation of BCR (Barcode Readers) at various points. The critical roles of BCR are:
  • ID errors to normal
  • ID carrier for matching
  • Reallocating inventory
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