B2B Supply Chain e-invoice Solutions

In 2013, MIRLE implemented the e-invoice value-added service center. Its purpose is to cooperate with the downstream POS system operators and the cloud e-commerce operators in providing all types of information services for the customer’s e-invoice to help the enterprise transform into an e-invoice operation. This system has been widely accepted by various occupations such as catering, hypermarket, garment industry, roadside eatery, and automobile parts transactions. We also provide professional advisory consultation services in the circulation industry. In the meantime, we also provide software and hardware sales solutions for all stores operated by the customer. We hope to help our clients to expand their stores more quickly to create higher revenue.
Listed below are the service items offered by the E-invoice Value-Added Center:
  1. Introducing the consultation service for e-invoice.
  2. Introducing the service for the enterprise e-invoice supply chain.
  3. Provide the Mobile POS mobile cash register solution
  4. Provide the subscription service for Cloud Membership System.
  5. Provide technical advisory service for account reporting.
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