Energy Reduction Measures

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The Company is committed to reducing energy consumption by using energy-saving equipment such as: centralized inverter air conditioning system, plant watering system with reclaimed water, elevator service allocation system, sensor-based lighting equipment, and energy-saving pull switch for lights. Furthermore, energy conservation and carbon reduction awareness is constantly promoted within the organization.

Social Participation

2 5
MIRLE is dedicated to ESG. The environment, society, and its employees are the contributing elements to MIRLE’s success, and therefore, MIRLE would like to contribute its share of its obligation by giving back to them.

Supplier Management

3 5
Mirle’s supplier management policy starts with the creation of a supply chain with a friendly environment, with emphasis over social responsibilities, and sustainable development of the human rights of workers. It is specified on each purchase order that the RoHS policy must be followed and highly polluting surface treatment is prohibited both internally and externally.

Information and Communication Security Risk Management

4 5
Information and communication security risk management framework, information and communication security policy, substantial management plans, and resources devoted to managing information and communication security

Intellectual Property Management Plan

5 5
With a diversified business policy, we predominate the equipment demand for high-end process capacity expansion and lead position and advantages in intelligent automation. With the capacity to integrate marketing, strategy formulation, product positioning, technological innovation, product research and development, manufacturing and construction, management, and administration, we provide customers with high-tech design, analysis, and manufacturing capabilities and strive for "refinement and deepening.” We actively use a sound intellectual property management system to accumulate intellectual property energy continuously.


Sustainability News

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